Our Vision
In 2038, Borden is a growing, prosperous community that offers a variety of services and amenities to our local residents and members of the greater district, recognized for:
Culture - a culture of growth, innovation, future-focus of the communities residents and leaders;
Community - the high sense of community belonging and a high level of participation of residents in the planning and activities that make Borden a great place to live and visit.
Activities - the variety of social, recreational and cultural activities and services for residents and visitors of all ages.
Outdoors - the variety of trails, parks and well maintained natural amenities that enrich the lives of residents and visitors.
Appearance - clean, attractive and aesthetically cohesive residential, business and recreational neighborhoods, created through the long-term community development plan.
Business - a dynamic, thriving and growing business community that meets the diverse goods and service needs of the whole community.
Infrastructure - dependable, cost-effective water, sewer and road systems that meet the current needs of citizens and businesses, and enables future growth.
Finances - a financial plan that supports the long-term provision of quality services and fiscal health with a tax burden that is favorable to similar communities.
Councilor Job Description
Position: Councilor
Time commitment: Meetings, preparation, & consultations (30 days per year)*
Committee/task group participation, other (the equivalent of 6 to 10 days per year)**
(The time on committees and task groups is in 2 to 3-hour blocks of time)
Accountability: The Council is collectively accountable to the residents of Borden, and other stakeholders. They are accountable for the Council’s performance of its mission and strategic objectives and for the effective stewardship of financial and human resources.
Authority: Individual Councilors have no authority to approve actions by the Village of Borden, to direct staff, or to speak on behalf of Borden, unless given such authority by the Council.
Responsibility: Councilors are responsible for acting in the best long-term interests of Borden and its members; and will bring to the task of informed decision-making, a broad knowledge, and an inclusive perspective.
General Duties: Every member of the Council is expected to do the following:
Prepare for and attend Council meetings;
- Work as a team member and support Council decisions;
- Participate in the review of the Council’s mission and objectives and the development of a strategic plan;
- Monitor the performance of the Council to objectives and core values;
- Approve the budget and monitor financial performance concerning it;
- Abide by the by-laws, code of conduct, and other policies that apply to the Council;
- Establish, review, and monitor policies that guide core operational practices (e.g., financial management, human resource management);
- Participate in hiring and releasing the Administrator;
- Participate in the evaluation of the Administrator;
- Participate in the orientation of new Councilors;
- Participate in the evaluation of the Council itself;
- Participate in committee work;
- Keep informed about community issues relevant to the mission and objectives of the Council
Qualifications: The following are considered key job qualifications:
Commitment to Village of Borden’s mission and strategic directions;
A commitment of time; and
Openness to learning.
Evaluation: The performance of Councilors is evaluated annually in the context of the evaluation of the Council and is based on the carrying out of duties and responsibilities as outlined above.
Village of Borden Council meetings are generally held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month, making exceptions for long weekends. The schedule of meeting dates is found on the "meetings" page.